Hey there!
I'm Yevonnie Lowe-Ingram.

I'm a front-end developer who builds clean, beautiful, and accessible websites.


Super Sticky Notes

Super Sticky Notes Project

An interactive app built using React lifecycle methods that allows users to create, edit, search, and delete sticky notes. Also, the user can close the browser without losing notes because they are saved in local storage.


React, JSX, ES6, DOM Manipulation

Guess the Word

Guess the Word Project

A game built using JavaScript that gives players eight chances to guess a randomly generated word. Once the player correctly guesses the word the game starts over with a new word.


JavaScript, DOM manipulation

GitHub Repo Gallery

GitHub Repo Gallery Project

A website built using GitHub's API to pull data from my GitHub portfolio to create a gallery for my repositories. Visitors can search for a specific repository and click on one to view details and a link to the repository in GitHub.


JavaScript, REST APIs,
DOM Manipulation


Unplugged Project

A multi-page responsive website built from a Photoshop design comp using Flexbox.


HTML, CSS, Flexbox

Skills & Tools

Visual Studio Code


Chrome DevTools


Responsive Design

DOM Manipulation


About Me

Yevonnie bio photo

I'm Yevonnie, a front-end developer living in North Carolina.

Several years ago while working as a hotline supervisor at a victim services nonprofit organization, I was intrigued that the “IT people” could create solutions to the problems we encountered on our case management system. We'd tell them what we needed to improve our workflow and they would build it. I wanted to do what they did.

Many moons and one course later, I'm building websites and applications. In my work as a licensed clinical social worker I've helped many people solve their problems. Now, I still get to help people, but in a different way, as a front-end developer.

Besides coding, you'll find me doing calisthenics, secretly making up dance routines in front of my mirror (well, not a secret anymore), reading a book, enjoying nature, or appreciating the joy of good food as an amateur food connoisseur. Even better if this joy is shared with people I love!

I look forward to working with you!